Tammikuun 26. päivä tulee kuluneeksi sata vuotta siitä, kun Suomi tunnusti Latvian itsenäisyyden de jure. Helmikuun 4. pääsemme juhlistamaan tätä sekä Suomen ja Latvian satavuotisia diplomaattisuhteita seminaariin, jonka järjestämisessä seurakin on mukana. Koska tilaisuus on kokonaan englanninkielinen, on kutsukin englanniksi.
The Embassy of Latvia in Finland has the honour to invite you to a live-stream discussion ”Finland and Latvia between the two world wars: bilateral relations and development trajectories” on Thursday, 4th February 2021 (10:00- 12:00) www.fb.com/EmbassyofLatviainFinland
To mark the centenary of the de iure recognition of Latvia and the establishment of Latvian-Finnish diplomatic relations, Latvian and Finnish historians will discuss the history of co-operation between the two countries, their different historical experiences and the historical aspects of Latvia’s continuity doctrine. They will debate the path of Latvia and Finland to independence, their relations and development in the interwar period, the tragic events of 1939-1940 and Finland’s reaction to the Baltic claims for regaining independence in 1989-1991.
Participants of the discussion:
Kari Alenius, PhD, Professor, Head of Research Unit, University of Oulu
Una Bergmane, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki
Ēriks Jēkabsons, PhD, Professor, University of Latvia
Valters Ščerbinskis, PhD, Associate Professor, Riga’s Stradiņš’ University
Discussion moderated by Una Bergmane, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki
Opening words by H.E. Mr. Pekka Haavisto, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Finland, H.E. Mr. Edgars Rinkēvičs, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia.
Language: English
Supported by: Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Rozentals Society (Finland), University of Helsinki, University of Latvia, University of Oulu, Riga’s Stradiņš’ University
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